Senin, 18 Agustus 2014


Jenis Teks (Reading Genre)

Teks descriptive adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda, tempat, atau orang tertentu.
Struktur teks descriptive :
1.       Identification (identifikasi)
Pendahuluan tentang apa dan siapa yang akan di deskripsikan.
2.       Description (deskripsi)
Berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau orang yang di deskripsikan.

Ciri-ciri teks descriptive :
ü  Menggunakan simple present tense
ü  Menggunakan atribut verb seperti to be – is, am, are
Contoh :
My close friend
l have a close friend. His name Ariel. Ariel is twenty years old. He studies at University of Gadjah Mada grade ll. He has two sister ; they are Tata and Puri. Tata is in grade 11 of SMA 1 and Puri is in first year of a university in Bandung.
Ariel’s father is Mr. Braga. He is an English teacher at junior high school. His mom works as a secretary in a company. The office is quite near from her house. That’s why sha always goes to her office on foot. I love Ariel family. They are always friendly and very kind.

Teks procedure bertujuan menerangkan bagaimana membuat/melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan serangkaian langkah atau kegiatan (steps)
Structure teks procedure :
1.       Aim/goal (tujuan) : judul.
2.       Materials : bahan dan alat yang diperlukan. Namun tidak semua teks procedure memerlukan tahap ini. Bagian ini dapat diberi label you’ll need, ingredients atau supplies needed.
3.       Steps : langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan, (teks procedure). Bagian ini juga dinamakan “what to do”.

Ciri-ciri teks procedure :
ü  Menggunakan simple present tense, biasanya berbentuk kalimat imperative.
ü  Menggunakan kata hubung temporal, seperti first, second, then, next, finally.
ü  Menggunakan action verbs, seperti turn on, stir, cook.
Contoh :
Loop the loop paper plane
Materials needed :
A sheet of heavy paper a pencil
Blunt scissors
A paper clip crayons

Method :
Here is paper airplane that will fly in circles :
1.       First, fold the paper in half the long way.
2.       Then, draw an airplane with wings and a tail on it.
3.       Next, draw a line about an inch away from the fold on each side the full length of the paper.
4.       Then, cut out the airplane, but do not cut on the fold.
5.       After that spread out the airplane and color it. You can draw airplane markings each wing tip.

C.      REPORT
Teks report adalah teks yang menjelaskan sesuatu/benda-benda secara umum, misalnya berbagai benda/fenomena alam, buatan, dan social yang ada atau terjadi di lingkungan kita.
Struktur teks report :
1.       General classification (klasifikasi umum) : pengantar tentang sesuatu/fenomena yang akan dibahas.
2.       Description (deskripsi) : menerangkan sesuatu/fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas, dan perilaku.

Ciri-ciri teks report :
ü  Menggunakan simple present tense kecuali apabila sudah lampau menggunakan past tense.
ü  Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya : surround, make, begin, etc.
Contoh :
An amphibians is an animal that has moist, hairless skin. Amphibians are cold blooded which means they can not make their own body heat. They get warm in the sun and cool off the shade.
The three main groups of amphibians are frogs and toads, salamanders and caecilians. All amphibians have backbone. The three kinds of amphibians look very different from each other. Frogs and toads have legs but do not have tails. Salamanders have short legs and long bodies ending in tails. Caecilians do not have any legs. They look a lot like big.

Teks narrative adalah teks yang menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif atau khayalan belaka.
Tujuannya untuk menghibur pembaca.
Struktur teks narrative :
1.       Orientation (pendahuluan cerita)
2.       Complication : munculnya permasalahan diantara tokoh-tokoh
3.       Resolution : penyelesaian/pemecahan masalah
4.       Re-orientation :penutup/rangkuman

Ciri-ciri teks narrative :
ü  Menggunakan past tense
ü  Biasanya dimulai dengan adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu) seperti long time ago, once upon a time, in afar away land.
ü  Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction) seperti then, after that, before.
Contoh :
The man who wanted to live forever
There was once a man who wanted to live forever. He live in fear of dying. One day he was walking along and saw a Chinese dragon. “oh dragon”, he said ‘l live in fear of dying, l hear that you live forever. I wish l was you’. Then the dragon spoke “kind man, you shall not like living forever. I  will show you what it feels like”. The dragon carried him to an island where no body died. The man lived there and was amazed at how the people would buy poison. Then after a while he understood, the people did not enjoy living forever. he called the dragon, “take me back”, he commended. The dragon said,”I see you have learned your lesson”. And now in china whwn people see dragon they say,”we happy as we are, oh dragon”.

E.       RECOUNT
Teks recount bercerita tentang kejadian/peristiwa yang telah berlalu/lampau, biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.
Struktur teks recount :
1.       Orientation (orientasi) : berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu peristiwa terjadi.
2.       Events : berisi tentang jalinan peristiwa/kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman tersebut. Bagian ini bias terdiri atas beberapa event/peristiwa.
3.       Re-orientation : berisi tentang rangkuman/penutup cerita.

Ciri-ciri teks recount :
ü  Menggunakan past tense
ü  Menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction) misal : then, before, after.
Contoh :
My basketball experience
Whwn l was in Junior high school, I really loved basketball. Every Saturday afternoon l practiced in school field with team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. My coach Mr. Byant was a kind person. But, while he was coaching us he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team’s rules.

Rumus Praktis Reading 1

Jika pertanyaan bacaan adalah :
·         What is the main idea of …
·         What is the text about …
·         What is the topic of …
                             Jawab : Lihat kalimat pertama di paragraph pertama

Rumus Praktis Reading 2

Jika pertanyaan di bacaan/text-surat tersebut adalah :
What                        apa – cari petunjuk yang menerangkan “apa atau tentang apa” isi bacaan tersebut. Biasanya berupa kata kerja.
Who                         siapa – menanyakan orang sebagai subjek yang dibicarakan. Biasanya berupa orang/pelaku.
Where                      dimana – menanyakan tempat.
When                       kapan – menanyakan waktu.